Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Baby Registry - Be Careful What You Wish For

One of the most exciting parts of having a baby which does not cost you any money or deprive you of any sleep, is going through a store like Target or Babies ‘R Us with form or handheld scanner in hand and putting together your "wish list", or registry of gifts for your baby. Loved ones (and others who feel obligated to purchase something for the baby) can then access the list at the store or online and have the confidence that they are purchasing a gift that you desire and one that someone else has not already purchased for you. However, as you frolic carefree through the local mega-store building your mega-list, pause to take into consideration the following advice.

Don’t forget diapers!
In fact, include diapers on your list as many times as store policy allows. List "Newborn" size and the two or three sizes after that. Do not be concerned about receiving too many diapers. First of all diapers have no shelf life - they will not lose their fizz or start to smell (at least not before being used). And, you will be utterly amazed at how fast you can go through a few dozen of them. The gift of diapers will also delay the sticker shock to your monthly budget that purchasing them would bring. I’m not going to exaggerate and say that purchasing diapers is like taking on a car payment but it is like taking on a car payment from the 1960’s. The Pampers vs. Huggies debate can be tackled at a later time but for now just get them on your list. Diapers. Not a glamorous choice to list but a solid choice nonetheless.

Do the math when choosing sizes!
If your bundle of joy arrives in May, it is doubtful that the cute little parka with the fur trim is going to get much if any use if purchased in Newborn or 3 month size. And, if you reside in Minnesota and your delivery is in November, the tank-tops and shorts in the same sizes, no matter how cute, will probably just be jettisoned off to friends or family in California where they need them in November. Don’t give your baby the look of a water balloon by trying to squeeze them into these clothes once the appropriate season arrives. Know your seasons and calculate the sizes and styles which will make the clothing gifts you receive a great fit.

Baby Quotes:
"There are one hundred and fifty-two distinctly different ways of holding a baby – and all are right" Heywood Broun (1921).

Baby Notes:
The top baby names of the 20th Century were "James" for boys and "Mary" for girls. (Source-Social Security Administration data)
Find out if it is really possible to
Pick Your Baby's Gender.

Solutions for the
Picky Eater. Methods and recipes.

Potty training in 1 to 3 days! Proven system for potty training toddlers without stress.

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